Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Backyard Bliss

Well, we're not there yet, but we are working on it. Matt and I have been busy in the front yard and now we are slowly turning our attention to the backyard. We've planted a couple of things here and there. Like this crossvine from Plant Escapes Gardens:

We have also spruced up the backyard with some purchases like these yellow Adirondack chairs (a steal at Big Lots for $19.00! Yes, they are plastic). I have a small obsession with outdoor pillows and iron-on vinyl, so I plan to make some pillows for these chairs with a beautiful fabric from Anna Maria Horner's Drawing Room line.

Image via Pink Chalk Studio's flickr.

1 comment:

Jade said...

Looking good! That's a fabulous textile pattern. I showed Adam your post and he was excited about the link. So he should probably expect a massive increase in crossvine demand this weekend right? :)
